Caramel Corn with Pecans & Almonds

You know that caramel-covered popcorn that you buy in the big tin canisters with the pretty designs on the outside?

This is so much better.

Before this Caramel Corn recipe came into my sheltered life, I had never had homemade popcorn. My corn experience had mostly consisted of microwavable bags and overly buttered, calorie laden movie theater corn that, although delicious, seemed almost dangerous to eat.

I like popcorn. It’s really good. Is it my favorite thing in the world? Probably not. Although, its intoxicating smell certainly increases its allure. That’s how popcorn gets you; its buttery aroma comes wafting up your unsuspecting nostrils, and everything goes black for a few moments. When you come to again, your hands are slathered in butter and a elephant-sized portion of popcorn has disappeared.

But that’s neither here nor there. What I’m saying is that popcorn doesn’t necessarily get me excited. Well, at least not until I gave this caramel corn a try. My little cookies, let me tell you something: there is nothing in this world as wonderful as homemade caramel corn. That stuff you buy at the store is mere child’s play. You have not lived until you’ve eaten homemade caramel corn, and this recipe is the way to go.

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Halloween Popcorn Hands

Remember how awesome Halloween was in elementary school? Everyone got to dress up and wear their costumes to school, which was basically the coolest thing ever. We couldn’t wait to show off our awesome costumes to all our friends. There was a little parade where we proudly strutted around the school, flaunting our festive costumes like models in a fashion show (your costume was always way better than anyone else’s). My favorite part was the little classroom party, which always meant food. Those PTA moms would bring in cupcakes, cookies, and all kinds of fun Halloween treats. We kids feasted like pigs. I especially enjoyed these days because my mom was one of those moms who brought treats in. Her Halloween specialty was Popcorn Hands.

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